Our Leadership Programs
We cater for individual leadership programs for top management, to specific team programs all the way through to companywide EAPs.
We treat each company as an individual and so we aim to learn the culture and the historical running of the company to help derive the best possible program in improve the overall wellness of the company and the individual in the company.
Leading across borders and cultures
For key decision-makers and managers who frequently make strategic decisions under high levels of uncertainty
Impact Leadership Programs
Equips you with the tools and processes needed to meet your organisation’s leadership challenges
For managers with three to six years’ experience in leadership roles, including MBA graduates
Decision Making for Leaders
Delivers frameworks drawn from science and psychology to improve your decision-making
For leaders who need to sharpen their decision-making skills and build effective teams
Successful Chage Leadership
Learn to lead change effectively and examine peoples’ attitudes towards change – from early adopters to hard-core resistors
For executives in the position of leading strategic change initiatives in their organisations.
Leadership Upskills
Develops your leadership capacity and better prepares you for the critical transition into strategic leadership roles. For experienced, mid-career professionals in upper-middle to senior level positions.
Learning to Lead
Designed to understand the nature of the transition from being an individual contributor to being a leader of others.
For first-time managers and individual contributors who are in transition to managers
Result Driven Leadership
Create a culture of achievement that not only promotes long-term growth but also develops future generations of leaders
For middle or senior managers with more than six years’ experience managing people.