Honesty Health
A one-stop corporate wellness solution
Creating a Culture of Wellbeing
The key components of health are Honesty, Happiness, Hope!
​Inspiring hope through happiness by being honest. Honest to your self and those around you!
Our Mission Statement
Inspiring a brand of health to encompass your company's needs:
Empowerment, Accountability, Results
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
- World Health Organization (1948)
At Honesty Health, our approach is solution driven. We take pride in improving the well-being of everyone.
We offer a technology based platform to keep pace with an ever changing terrain, along with in-house training and monitoring.
Our success is your success and the key words to improving employee wellness are accountability and empowerment, resulting in results!
Let’s Work Together
Presently Wellness is presented as one-off days offering a range of benefits from Vitality points, motivational talks, all the way through to pedicures. Honesty Health plans to change the culture of wellness in the work place with individually tailored programmes that suit each individual company.
With the help of our team of highly skilled professionals, your company will be defined by the wellness of your employees. Our goal is your goal - which is for your employees to adopt, sustain and maintain lifestyle behavioural choices that will reduce health risks, improve quality of life, enhance personal power which will ultimately lead to a motivated, dedicated and healthy workforce!
Face to Face
At Your Convenience
With a Personal Approach